Harmony Elementary School PTO 

2020-2021 Officers

President - Ricky Driver

Vice President - Vote on October 28th

Secretary - Sandy Daniel 

Treasurer - Kathy Bunton

Event Coordinator - Nicole Driver


Harmony Elementary PTO Bylaws 

Article I: Name of the Organization
This organization shall be known as the Harmony Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), located in Harmony, North Carolina.
Article II: Purpose
The Harmony Elementary School PTO is a local non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the relationship between home and school in order to enhance the education and social environment at Harmony School.  The organization shall endeavor to achieve this as follows:  serving as a communications vehicle for and among parents, staff and administrators; organizing informational and social programs for parents and teachers; providing cultural and educational enrichment programs for students; and generating the funds necessary to support the above activities.
Article III: Membership
Section 1:  Members    
All parents, guardians, staff and administrators associated with Harmony School shall be members in good standing of the PTO.  Membership shall be available without regard to race, color, creed, sex, national origin, veteran, or handicapped status.    
Section 2:  Dues    
There shall be no membership dues.    
Section 3:  Officers    
The Harmony School PTO shall be run by four (4) non-paid officers.  The officers shall include two Co-Chairpersons, a Secretary and A Treasurer (Treasurer will be a school employee).  The term of office for each Co-Chairperson shall be two years with one of the positions newly filled each year no more than 3 consecutive.  The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for one year with optional extensions up to three years.  The officers shall appoint all other committee chairpersons for a one year term.  The positions of Chair or Co-Chair of sub committees are recognized as officers of the board.    
Section 4:  Executive Committee    
The Executive Committee of the Harmony School PTO shall consist of the four officers - two Co-Chairpersons, Secretary and Treasurer, plus the Harmony School Principal and the Fundraising Coordinator.    
Section 5:  Removal    
Any officer may choose to resign by giving notice in writing to the board.  Any officer may be removed from his/her position with a majority vote of the attending members of a general meeting.    
Section 6:  Vacancies    
Vacancies occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be appointed by the officers of the organization for the remainder of the term.    
Section 7:  Teacher Representative    
The teacher representative for the PTO shall be chosen by the teachers.  He/She shall represent the teachers, convey their ideas for PTO functions or events, be willing to attend PTO meetings, and report back to colleagues the contents of the PTO meetings.    
Article IV: Meetings
The Harmony School PTO shall meet regularly during the school year.  All general meetings of the PTO shall be open to all members with advance notice.
Article V: Changes, Voting, Nominating Committee
Section 1:  Changes to Bylaws    
Any PTO member who wishes to comment on or to question a PTO policy or practice has the right to represent his/her views to the PTO officers and committee chairpersons.  Changes to these bylaws, which must be made in writing, may be proposed to a Co-Chairperson at any time.    
Section 2:  Voting    
A simple majority vote of the members present at the general meeting after the proposed amendment has been posted at school and presented in a newsletter shall pass the proposed amendment.  All members of the PTO present at a board meeting have voting rights on issues brought before the board.

Section 3: Nominations and Vote for New officers
Nominating Committee- Current Co-chairs
Advertise for officers via February’s newsletter
There will be 2 teachers, 2 parents on the nominating committee.
The incumbent co-chair will serve with 2 teachers and 2 parents on the nominating committee.    
Article VI: Philosophy ad Policies
Section 1:  PTO Philosophy    
The PTO shall endeavor to be a non-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan.  Therefore, the name of the organization shall not be used to promote any commercial concern, political agenda or religious ideologies.  The PTO is not affiliated with any other state or national organization.    
Section 2:  Programs and Policies    
PTO programs and policies shall be developed and evaluated through committees and general membership meetings.  In keeping with its stated objectives, the PTO shall seek neither to direct nor control the activities and policies of the administration of the school.    
Section 3:  Fundraising Activities    
The monies generated by the fundraising activities of the PTO shall be used to support its programs and other educational and enrichment activities of benefit to the community.    
Section 4:  Donations    
The PTO may make donations only to outside organizations that contribute to the learning and enrichment of the Harmony School community.    
Article VII: Administration Fuctions
Section 1:  Co-Chairpersons    
The Co-Chairpersons shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and of the officers.  They shall create the agenda for these meetings.  The Co-Chairpersons are responsible for communicating with the principal, superintendent, and other town PTO Co-Chairpersons.    
Section 2:  Secretary    
The secretary is responsible for obtaining the agenda from the PTO Co-Chairpersons and distributing it prior to the meeting; taking minutes at the general PTO meeting; and preparing and distributing the minutes.  The Secretary shall assist the Co-Chairpersons as needed.    
Section 3:  Treasurer    
The Treasurer is responsible for the money management of the PTO.  This includes all banking, bookkeeping, and reporting function.  The Treasurer is also responsible for grants. 
Banking:  The Treasurer shall receive all income of the PTO - checks, currency and coin - and is responsible for:  verifying funds, preparing and making bank deposits, disbursing PTO funds and with an approved budget at reference, the Treasurer may disburse funds for the various committees (e.g. library, technology, enrichment, etc).  Items of reasonable expense not identified as previously approved items must be disbursed using best judgment on behalf of the entire PTO.  Questionable items must be discussed with a Co-Chair before disbursement.  Items of expense greater than $200 must be approved by the PTO Executive Committee.     
Bookkeeping:  The Treasurer maintains detailed records of all funds received and disbursed.  These records are maintained both in the bank checkbook and in a ledger system of the Treasurer's choice (manual or computer).  The Treasurer balances the checkbook on a monthly basis.  All items must have backup documentation and this documentation must be reviewed/signed by a Co-Chair at monthly meetings.    
Reporting:  The Treasurer shall prepare reports for presentation to the general membership, and the executive committee on a monthly basis or as needed.  These reports shall include but are not limited to a statement of the PTO budget and the actual expenditures to date.  Other reports may be requested (i.e. the history to the Teacher Grant budget line item).  The Treasurer is responsible for the presentation of all financial reports.