5th Grade Supply List
* 5 composition notebooks (ELA, math, writing, social studis & science)
* 2-inch binder (No Trapper Keepers)
* tab dividers with pockets (for the binder)
* homework folder with pockets
* pencils (resupply throughout the year)
* pencil pouch or box
* colored pencils
* pack of multicolored highlighters
* index cards (pack of 100)
* scissors
* glue sticks
* 1 pack of black Expo Markers
* headphones/earbuds with straight plug-these are needed all year.
* 2 boxes of tissues
* disinfectant wipes
* hand sanitizer (girls)
* zipper sandwich-sized or quart-size bags (boys)
* stylus pen for iPad (optional)
* daily snack (optional)
KEY-4th/5th combination class
*Backpack or satchel to carry school supplies
*pencils (resupply throughout year)
*3 composition notebooks (no spiral bound)
*Glue sticks (resupply throughout year)
*Index cards (100 pack)
*Folder for homework with pockets
*Headphones or earbuds (straight plug for iPads) need all year
*Hand sanitizer (girls)
*Sandwich zip lock bags (boys)
*2 boxes tissues (ALL)
*Disinfecting wipes (ALL)
Nice to have:
*Pencil box or pouch
*Stylus pen for iPad
*Highlighter pens